Elderly Units
26 units in Norris City
15 units in Crossville
20 units in Grayville
Family Units
18 units in Norris City
14 units in Crossville
22 units in Grayville
Size of Unit
The size of the unit for which a family qualifies will be set by the Housing Authority based upon the family’s size and makeup. Our apartments range from efficiency to four bedrooms in size to accommodate most any family.
Rent Amount
The tenant will pay no more than 30% of their adjusted annual income for rent. The tenant will receive a deduction for utility allowances. This amount varies depending on unit size.
Final determination will be made immediately prior to the unit becoming available. It will be based upon a more thorough review of credit background, and a criminal background will be processed.
Maintenance is available for ordinary wear and tear of the property. 24-hour on-call maintenance is available for emergency situations.